Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Crash Ally

I was heading home down the Coast Hwy... going kinda fast. My eye caught a flashing mix of lights in the rear view mirror. Damn! Looks like I am going to get nailed... Bummer. Then all of a sudden the car in front of me crashes into a parked truck.

I jump out (after parking my truck) and watch as 2 others help the driver out of the vehicle. The driver appears to be in shock. I call dispatch at the P.D. and tell them I am at a TC (Traffic Collision). I must have mumbled because I coul hear the dispatcher put out on the radio that 'Photoman was in a wreck'.... I still have that Brooklyn accent.

I told them there was a patrol unit just a few blocks North of me... and noticed that the patrol car was still in the same plcae with its lights flashing.

Turns out the driver that crashed into the parked truck had just hit the parked patrol car that was doing Radar patrol... the patrol car was totally disabled and unable to move..


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