Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blowin in the Wind

I finally gave up on picking up my potted Melaleuca tree after the wind knocked it over a few times. You can tell from this pic (south of the famous cat ladies place) that the wind was really blowin......

Friday, March 23, 2007

On the Beach

This was actually taken in February when I could still take a stroll on the beach. I am once again thinking about updating my blog now that I have some time to think about things. This Thursday I go into Hoag Hospital to see if they can somehow get 2 stents inserted in 2 failed by-pass grafts. Last time this happened I barely squeaked by.

Between angioplaties and angiograms over the years, I have built up damaged tissue in my groin area, and it is now painful to go through the procedure, for something that originally I could not feel.

I actually dread the coldness of the operating room more than anything else. And then there is the procedure which I am totally awake for through the whole thing. Sorry to sound like a whiner. It still beats going through a bypass. That really sucked.

I am really hoping this will work. I am getting fat sitting around by the computer. I miss my long walks on the beach and working out. time to quit for the night.... I am feeling my heart again... it feels like a lump of liver.
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